Invite Members

Every club needs members in order to achieve its service goals. New members provide clubs with fresh ideas, new projects and additional ways to make a difference in the community. Here are some tools that will make it easier for you when asking prospective members to join!

Recruiting Tools

Handouts and Brochures

Who to Invite
Anyone can be a Lion! However, in addition to regular membership, LCI offers the following special membership programs:

  • Family Members have the opportunity to receive a dues discount when they join a Lions club and serve together.
  • Young adult members bring new energy and diverse skills into your club and ensure your club will be in existence in 40 years.
  • Students receive a dues discount and Lions membership allows them to make new friends and help others in their community at the same time
  • Former Leos have the opportunity to receive a dues discount and continue doing volunteer work with LCI as a Lion.
  • Women are looking for an opportunity to serve and the Lions Symposium and Regional Women’s Workshop Programs provide opportunities to get more women involved.
  • To be part of the Family Membership Program, your club secretary must complete the Family Unit Certification Form or file online.


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