
In May 2021 PDG Andy Etherington, PDG and District A4 Vision Chair, appealed to you for your assistance to be able to purchase two IPhones for individuals who take part in the Canadian Council of the Blind Get Together with Technology program. These phones will assist these individuals to load special software which will allow them to get on with their daily activities. The total amount required was $1,242.00. I’m pleased to report that due to your support a total of $1,750.00 was collected which replaced the initial amount from the Vision Project Account and added another $508.00. Both individual who received the phones have expressed their appreciations to the Lions for this generous donation. In the picture below is Lion Andy presenting to one of the clients Saeed and David Greene, instructor of the Get Together with Technology Program and his Vision Dog.

Blind Anglers International Tournament


Eyeglass Collection in District A4



BAIT  Blind Anglers International Tournament

Click on the link above to read the story of Bait.  Plan to attend this amazing event.  Plans for future tournaments will be announced when appropriate following the COVID-19 Pandemic.  More details to follow.




Dedicating a tree in the Memorial Forest is a unique way to honour or celebrate a loved one. As a symbol of strength, shelter and durability, a living tribute can be a source of comfort and meaning.

The District A4 Memorial Forest program was established in 2015 when the District acted on a request from Multiple District A for each District to have their own Memorial Forest site as the Breslau site was running out of space. After exploring several sites we were able to join forces with Innovative Community Support Services (ICSS) who operate several group homes in the Orleans area including a farm where the Memorial Forest will be located at 9478 Russell Road in Navan, Ontario.

In order to preserve native species in the area and to assure the Memorial Forest is well managed, District A4 Lions and ICSS reserves the right to select the type of tree and its location.

Brochure:   District A4 Memorial Forest

Application Form:  District A4 Memorial Forest

 Eyeglass Collection in District A4         

Two Programs

1.   A4  Lions Recycle for Sight Program

District A4 process for packing the glasses:

  • Accept prescription and reading glasses, sun­glasses and plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed.
  • Do not pack cases or contact lenses. Contact Value Village and see if they will take the cases. The money collected will go to a charity.
  • Keep your own Club’s count and time spent col­lecting, sorting and packing the glasses and report it to your Secretary for his/her Activity Report.
  • Pack eyeglasses in layers separated by a sheet of newspaper in a sturdy corrugated cardboard box.
  • Do not write on the boxes
  • Glasses must be properly packed before delivery to Lion Ross.  The large quantity of glasses received precludes Lion Ross from packing or re-packing the boxes.

Lion Ross Baldwin will put the required shipping labels on the boxes and will fill out the bill of lading.

Please drop your box(s) off at the residence of Lion Ross and Sandra Baldwin, 1030 Connery Avenue, Ot­tawa just off St. Laurent and Pleasant Park in Ottawa South. It is suggested that you telephone them at 613­737-7422 prior to delivery to ensure someone is there to receive the box(es).


2.  Kemptville Lions Club Eye-Care Project  (editing of content in process)

Kemptville Lions Vision Care team remains active.  COVID-19 has meant we have not been active for the past few months but we are planning to restart soon.  

Our Recycling Centre is housed in a Local Church and subject to the Covid-19 restriction around public access to that Facility.

All efforts to Sort out Broken and Damaged Glasses before donating would be very appreciated.

As well, any Glass Cases can be disposed of as we do not use them due to the high cost to ship processed Glasses to Vision Clinic locations and the issue of cleanliness must be considered..

The Kemptville Lions Club collects eyeglasses (including sun glasses) for patients who require corrective lenses.  The primary destination for these glasses is Guyana, South America but they have had clinics in other countries.

Glasses are donated from clubs in District A-4.  As well, some glasses are sent from opticians and doctors.

Glass cases are removed; damaged glasses and those with scratches are thrown out.  Glasses are sorted into different categories – plus single vision and progressive lens; plus bifocals; negative single vision and progressive; and negative bifocal.  The glasses are washed – sometimes they receive washed’ glasses.

The glasses are “neutralized” – the prescription is taken’ and the glasses and the prescription are placed in small clear bags and sorted by prescription in trays.

Many Lions have joined the team over the 20 years plus traveling to South America and various places in the Caribbean.  For the last few projects there have been 3 or 3 Lions on the team.  Teams have had as many as 5 Lions on a team of 9 – 12 members.

When in Guyana, the team conducts a vision exam as well as ocular health exams equal to what they would have done in Canada.  He team is made up of volunteers, volunteers and optometrists from all over Canada. After patients have completed the vision and ocular health exam, they are received in the dispensary and receive glasses that match their requirement.  At some clinics, local doctors, nurses, etc., will join and volunteer their time in support.

Clinics are typically 5 days long, seeing an average of 200 patients per day.  Approximately 1000 patients per clinic.

Volunteer Lions are trained on completing basic distance and near vision testing as well as operating an auto refractor machine.

All members of the team pay their own way-flights and accommodations included.

For each project the Kemptville Lions dispensary stocks 3000 to 4000 pairs of glasses in order to ensure they can fit as many patients as possible for corrective lenses needed.  There are some patients that they do not have glasses that will meet their need.  For those, we return to Canada and make new glasses and ship to the hose Lions club to deliver to the patient.  No cost to the patients.  While the team does vision and ocular health exams, the doctors do see issues not able to be addressed.  Such patients are referred by the team’s doctors to the local Ministry of Health for further care.



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