Lions of Alberta Foundation (LOAF)   

Has your club ever….

• Awarded a Bill Webber Sight Fellowship
• Awarded a Lions Legacy Scholarship
• Awarded a Sight Bursary for a blind student attending college or university
• Awarded a Dr. Jack Dobush Fellowship
• Awarded a Dr. Patti Hill Fellowship
• Contributed to LOAF Flood or Fire Relief Funds
• Contacted the Foundation for charitable receipts 

If you have done any of these activities, you have been partnering with the Lions of Alberta Foundation. So why not help direct the future of our foundation? 

• Participate in the Fall Special Meeting and Annual General Meeting (AGM) 
Our next AGM and special meetings at 10:00 am, on October 26, 2024, at the Golden West Drop-In Center #2127 Highway 54 Spruce View, AB

  •  learn about LOAF and how LOAF works with Lions in Alberta
  •  learn how your club can benefit by participating in the foundation
  •  participate in the elections for executive positions and directors 
  •  Each Lions Club in Multiple District C has one vote at the AGM providing they are in good standing with LCI, the District and the Multiple District.  

 Nominations: As per the LOAF’s bylaws nomination of Board Directors and Executive members must be held in person.

Any member who has served four full consecutive terms shall not be eligible to serve again as a Director before the passing of one year—bylaw 5.1.9.

The chair of the nominating committee is PCC Tyler Bray, please get in touch with him if you want to run for a director's position.

PCC Betty Ann Robson

LOAF Chairperson 


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