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Peace Poster 2015Congratulations to Passion Reitz, a student at ‪#‎RedHillsMiddleSchool‬ in Richfield, who won both the Utah District 28 T and Utah State-level competitions of the ‪#‎LCI‬ Peace Poster Contest. She was presented two plaques, a T-Shirt, and cash prizes for her award-winning poster,

Congratulations to Passion Reitz, a student at ‪#‎RedHillsMiddleSchool‬ in Richfield, who won both the Utah District 28 T and Utah State-level competitions of the ‪#‎LCI‬ Peace Poster Contest. She was presented two plaques, a T-Shirt, and cash prizes for her award-winning poster, "Peace is a Miracle Worker," in Mr. Jensen's art class with District Governor 28T Milt Taylor, and Lion Keven Christensen




This is MD28 2012 winning Peace Poster by Kimberly Taylor of Cedar City 





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