District OH5 Call to Convention!
March 28-29, 2025
Deer Creek State Park Lodge
22300 State Park Road 20, Mt. Sterling, OH 43143
740-869-2020 www.Deercreekparklodge.com
Call To Convention | Registration Form | Silent Auction Flyer | Tabletop Display Flyer | Pinewood Derby Flyer | Delegate Form |
Why should YOU attend your district convention?
10. Because what else are you doing that weekend?
9. Vote on your favorite holiday center piece
8. Place your pinewood derby car in the race
7. Because the master of ceremony Jeff Sweeney would like your presences
6. To get great ideas for your clubs
5.Awesome service project
You can still make a direct donation to the SB5K! Click here. If you need a tax exempt letter for your donation, contact reynlions@outlook.com.
Welcome to District 13-OH5
In the 2016-2017 Lions year, The Lions of Ohio redistricted. The state combined several districts together to balance the number of members in each district. Bringing the number of districts from 10 to 7. Each District was renamed from letters of the alphabet to numbers.
Our District was made when some of the clubs from District 13E combined with District 13F. We have clubs in 11 different counties which include Champaign, Clark, Darke, Delaware, Franklin, Madison, Marion, Marrow, Miami, Pickaway and Union.
What are Lions?
In 1917, Melvin Jones asked a simple and world-changing question. What if people put their talents to work improving their communities? They agreed. In 1925 at Sandusky, Ohio, Lions were challenged by Helen Keller to become “Knights of the Blind” in the Crusades against darkness. We no longer had ideas but a purpose.
Where There’s a need, There’s a Lion
For over 100 years Lions have been tackling problems of vision, environment, disaster relief and hunger, adding diabetes and childhood cancer more recently. We are finding help for the deaf, disabled, elderly and underprivileged. Lions have become the world’s largest service organization with over 1.4 million members in more than 205 countries around the world. We are striving to make our communities better.
We are succeeding because our members are working smarter and faster with greater commitment than ever before. If you have the same passion and same commitment in making the world a better place then LIONS are for you.
Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.