
August 2024
Mount Forest Palmerston Lions Gold Classic
August 22, 2024
tee off 1:00 PM
see attached
Pike Lake Golf Club
Please pass to All Members Calling ALL Golfers….we are only about 6 weeks away from the 2nd Annual MFP Golf Tournament. We need to have representation from the Mount Forest Lions Club…so fare we have 1 and a half foursomes…myself and my 3 fellow golfers as well as Lions Bill Y and Susan W. Please send your (or family members) interest in playing to me…if you have a foursome great, if not I will make up the foursomes. Not to single out individuals but I know the following have “golfed” in various capacities in the past, Lions Bill U, Dan, Al, Dale, Brent B, Brent P, Drew, Dave G and Cody as well as non-lion (but should be) Dallas…..if you are interested let me know… Also we have opportunities for Golf Day Volunteers along with Lions Susan W, Victoria, Laura and possibly Lion Monique from Pike Lake. Please let me know if you are interested in helping either on the course or before or after the golfing. Tee off is 1:00 shotgun with dinner following. Also if you would like to sponsor a hole or provide raffle prizes let me know. All proceeds from this year’s tournament goes to the MRI campaign at Palmerston and District Hospital. Where there is a Need…there is a Lion…
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April 2025
District A9 Lions Convention
April 25, 2025
April 25-27
see the attached flyer
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