District Governor

Tim Meyers

335 William St

Palmerston, On N0G 2P0

Res: (519) 343-3565

Cell: (416) 671-9190


Palmerston Lions Club


Tim joined the Palmerston Lions Club in 2007 in order to become a part of an organization that believes in serving and building a better community for all to live in. Tim has been active within the Palmerston Lions Club serving as 2nd Vice, 1st Vice and served as President twice. He has also served as a Tail Twister and Co-Membership Chairperson and has served on multiple committees.  Tim served as Zone Chairperson for District A-9 Zone 39 West in 2011-12. Tim served as a Guiding Lion for the Hanover Lions Club and is a Melvin Jones Fellowship Recipient. He and his wife Lion Helen have three grown children and eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Tim works full time as a Manager for a large International Building Products Manufacturer. Tim enjoys camping, singing, and spending time helping his fellow lions build a better community.

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