
Photo Gallery

Governor Sara in the Parade of Nations at the 2023 International Convention

Vice Governors Lilane and Kelvin & Gov. Sara Camacho confer with Santa!

Gov. Matt passes the gavel to incoming Gov. Mary Bumpus

Gov Matt Auctions off a quilt at the Zone 4 Meeting to Raise Money for Vets

Governor Ollie Paxton-Tipple addresses the Zone 4 Meeting in Amanda, August 11, 2020

Bill Schultz, Ollie Paxton-Tipple and Matt Osborne after their election at the 2019 OH7 District Convention

Governor Barb Bachman receives the Melvin Jones Fellowship from PDG George Bachman

Gov. Stockum with Leos at OH7 Convention March 3 2018

OH7 Steps 5K for Pediatric Cancer Research - Sept 2017

OH7 Steps 5K for Pediatric Cancer Research - Sept 2017

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