Lions WLF Director C2 -
PDG Roger L Weber - Home Club - Sayner Star Lake
Lion Patty Krug - Home Club - Whittlesey
Wisconsin Lions Foundation -
Foundation Causes ---
Fact!! Did you know that our Eyeglass Recycling Center(EGR) in Rosholt is only one of 18 Lions Clubs International Certified Recycling Centers in the world? The EGR processes an average of 800,000 pair annually. The used eyeglasses are shipped to 49 different developing countries throughout the world. What a wonderful project!!
Multiple District 27-C2 District Programs
- Diabetes Awareness
- Hearing Project
- Hunger
- Vision Screening
- Wisconsin Lions Missions
- Youth Exchange
Lions Youth Exchange C2 -
Lion Tena Peterson
Home Club - Rhinelander
Lions Clubs International Youth Exchange Program
Open to all students between the ages of 15 ½ - 21.
Since 1961 Lions Clubs have been sending as many students as possible around the world to experience another culture in the hopes of bringing about peaceful relations and a better understanding of the rest of the world. Our thousands of ambassadors, who do not have to come from Lions members, are picked, not for their scholastic ability, but for their desire to learn about another culture.
We encourage all students from around the United States to participate in our largest escorted program to Japan. We also exchange for a 4-5 week summer program to countries in Europe and elsewhere around the world.
Your donation to Leader Dogs for the Blind helps us enhance the lives of people who are blind and visually impaired.
Lions Leader Dog C2 -
Lion Laura Bertch Boulder Junction (;
Lions Pease Poster C2 -
Shirley Lemke (;
The contest begins with clubs from each district running contests in local schools and organizations. The winners advance to district competition. There is judging of these entries on the district level submitted for first, second, and third place. The First Place winner is then sent to the Council Chair, with a deadline date of December 1st. After receiving the 10 entries, one from each district, another judging is performed, culminating with a first, second, and third place for Multiple 27. The First Place winner is sent to Lions Clubs International to be entered for judging at the international level.
Wisconsin Lions Missions
PDG Michael Lorbetske
Home Club - Sugar Camp
Every year, numerous Lions head to Mexico with used eyeglasses from our Eyeglass Recycling Center in Rosholt, donated fire trucks, ambulances and school busses gathered by Lions Clubs around the state, and medical and school supplies such as hospital beds and school desks. These item are given freely to Lions Clubs in Mexico that distribute them to needy schools, orphanages and cities. While in Mexico, thousands of used eyeglasses are given out to local residents who probably have never had a pair of glasses in their life.
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin
Judy Hatz (;
The Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)3, is a team of professionals and volunteers dedicated to the mission of restoring the Gift of Sight through recovery and transplantation of corneas, research to advance the knowledge and treatment of eye diseases, and education to increase donations of human eyes after death.
Serving the entire state of Wisconsin, The Lion's Eye Bank of Wisconsin fulfills this mission by procuring, processing, and distributing eye tissue to corneal transplant surgeons, researchers, and teachers
Equally important is our commitment to education through our network of medical professionals, Lions and Lioness Clubs and members, and other volunteers who give generously of their time, talent, and treasures.
The Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin continues its commitment to people in the present who receive transplants and those in the future who will benefit from the research
Our ultimate goal is to improve people's quality of life through the Gift of Sight.
The Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin is assisted by numerous dedicated volunteers from Lions, Lioness, and Leo Clubs throughout the State of Wisconsin. There are approximately 19,500 Lions Club Members across the state of Wisconsin ~ 1,500 of these individuals transport eye tissue each year. These members bring surgically removed eye tissue to the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin laboratory in Madison where further evaluation and preparation of donor corneas are conducted.
In addition, their financial support of the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin provides needed resources in the effort to restore sight and prevent blindness. Without their dedicated and generous activity, cornea transplants, vision restoration, and research into diseases causing blindness would be most difficult. The Knight of Sight award is given in recognition of monetary gifts of $1,000 or more.
The Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin is an affiliated Lions organization for the Wisconsin Lions of Multiple District 27 and is governed by a Board of Directors that includes representatives from all 10 districts within Multiple District 27.
Hollie Larkin
The Wisconsin Lions have formed a state-wide diabetes focus group to promote the efforts of diabetes education and Lions diabetes projects in the state of Wisconsin. There is a representative from each district in this group who will coordinate communication between the Lions clubs and this group.
Diabetes Awareness
With World Diabetes Day observed this month, Lions have an opportunity to reaffirm their long-standing commitment to improving health. The World Health Organization estimates that more than 346 million people in the world have diabetes. Through two LCIF grant programs, Lions are increasing their efforts to fight diabetes. SightFirst has provided US$2.7 million for diabetic retinopathy projects, educating over 1.5 million people and conducting over 23,000 surgeries since 1995.
Adult & Children
Vision Screenings
Lion Dennis Hirtz - Adult
Home Club - Lake Tomahawk
Lion Dan Tekippe - Children
​Home Club - Phillips
The Wisconsin Lions Foundation and Prevent Blindness Wisconsin combined forces to help the fight against blindness and to ensure that every child from six months to eighteen years old sees properly. Through the efforts of local Lions and Lioness Clubs, screenings are taking place in their local day care and preschool facilities. In the past year the 120 clubs who reported their numbers to Prevent Blindness Wisconsin screened 70,863 children. Of the screened children 7,151 were referred for an examination by an eye care professional. Vision problems affect one in every five school-age children and one in every twenty preschool-age children. In 2012, the WLF Board of Directors and Council of Governors added Adult Vision Screening to our mission with our partners at Prevent Blindness Wisconsin.
Vision Screening Results Brochure
Vision Screening Reporting Form
Children’s Vision Screening Toolkit
Children’s Vision Screening Activity Sheet
2 Interesting Articles Regarding Vision Health: Vision and Eye Health – Moving Into the Digital Age and Children’s Vision Health
Hearing Project
Lion Scott Martin
Home Club - Tomahawk
Hearing impairment is one disability issue that has actually gotten worse in the past several decades. Hearing loss affects 278 million people worldwide. When people are not able to pay the high cost of quality hearing aids—which cost an average of US$3,600 each and are often not covered by insurance—they are left with poor-functioning hearing aids, or, even worse, in silence.
Lions Club International Foundation
PDG Dennis Knott
Home Club - Merrill
During the 2014-2015 fiscal year, Lions, their partners and friends generously donated US$39.8 million to LCIF. The Foundation awarded 530 grants totaling more than US$43.7 million. Read the Annual Report (English only) to learn how those grants are improving lives around the world.
The Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) supports and develops programs that serve people in need throughout the world. With the dedication and work of Lions, LCIF is able to improve millions of lives through our high-impact initiatives.
Our programs are focused in four main areas:
Preserving Sight
Since 1990, SightFirst has been making quality eye care accessible to those who most need it. SightFirst has made it possible for more than 30 million people to have improved or restored vision.
Serving Youth
Over the past 25 years, 12 million young people in 69 countries have benefitted through Lions Quest, our youth development program for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Providing Disaster Relief
In times of disaster, Lions meet immediate needs such as food, water and shelter with funds from LCIF. For larger-scale disasters, the Foundation remains committed to helping communities rebuild into the future.
Humanitarian Efforts
LCIF is active in a variety of humanitarian efforts such as supporting the construction homes for the disabled, providing vision screenings to Special Olympics athletes and combating measles.
Wisconsin Lions Camp - a free one-week camping experience for Wisconsin children and adults with disabilities. Campers are able to meet others who live with the same daily challenges as they do and enjoy summer camping geared toward their abilities. The camp provides a free week to approximately 1,400 people a summer.
Eyeglass Recycling Center - collect used eyeglass and wash, sort and ship them to third world countries to give those less fortunate the opportunity to see clearly. Over 800,000 pairs goes through the Center annually.
Hearing Aid Program - collect used hearing aids for credit to provide hearing aids to Wisconsin residents who cannot afford to buy a hearing aid.
Diabetes Education Program - to raise awareness, hold free screenings and educate the public regarding the dangers of this disease, signs and symptoms of management techniques.
Melvin Jones Fellowship
MJF Facts
- The Fellowship was established in 1973 and the Progressive program began in 1986 in response to Lions' request for a way to extend their commitment to LCIF.
- Donations through MJFs provide 75 percent of the Foundation's annual revenue.
- There are 100 levels in the PMJF program.
- Most of the funds raised during Campaign SightFirst and Campaign SightFirst II were through MJF donations.
- As of October 2011, there are 329,896 MJFs and 61,062 PMJFs worldwide.
- All MJFs are invited to the annual luncheon held at the convention (ticket purchase required). The MJF luncheon began in 1984 and has been held at each convention since then.
- The names of MJFs are displayed on a computer in the LCIF Room at the International Headquarters
Dear Lion,
I would like to share with you some exciting changes to our donation procedures that will enable us to help even more people. Many of you have shared with your Board of Trustees and me interesting ideas for expanding giving opportunities to our Foundation. As a result, you can now choose from five general categories to designate your donations and receive Melvin Jones Fellowship recognition for each donation:
Area of Greatest Need: Donations in this category will support all program areas and allow LCIF the flexibility to supplement initiatives where additional funding is necessary or where the need is most urgent.
Disaster: Donations designated here enable LCIF to direct the funds to the areas most in need following disasters in order to provide for immediate, mid and long-term relief.
Sight: Donations here seek to support hundreds of sight-related activities ranging from equipping eye clinics to providing Braille computers for the visually impaired.
Youth: Donations in this category support the Lions Quest program and other initiatives such as educational infrastructure improvements and programs to assist at-risk youth.
Humanitarian Needs: Donations here will fund projects that meet diverse community needs beyond sight, disaster and youth, such as the measles program, water wells and vocational training programs for the disabled.
I know you will agree with me that these positive changes will help LCIF to provide aid to even more people in need around the world. These changes are effective immediately for all future donations. Donating is as easy as before - details on each program can be found online.
Birch-Sturm Fellowship
This fellowship is intended to recognize individuals who exemplify dedication and commitment to Lionism.
The Birch-Sturm Fellowship was created by the Wisconsin Lions Foundation to honor those individuals who exemplify undying dedication and commitment to Lionism. The Fellowship is named after Wisconsin’s only International Presidents, Frank V. Birch and Clarence L. Sturm who were great supporters of the Foundation.
The Birch-Sturm Fellowship is a way for districts, clubs, or individuals to honor a person who displays dedication and commitment to Lionism. In order to become a Birch-Sturm Fellow, a district, club, or individual must donate $1,000 to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. The $1,000 may be made in one payment or in installments. If you have any questions, please call the Wisconsin Lions Foundation Office, toll-free at 877-463-6953.
Lions Club's 'cornea express' involves many people - Reference -
Wisconsin eye transport system have 1,500 clubs participating regularly in the Wisconsin Lions “Cornea Express” network, which in 2015 averaged more than 300 delivery routes taken a month, according to Cindy Sergent, marketing manager at Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank in Madison. Sergent said the goal is for individual members to not have to drive more than 60 miles, one way.
Wisconsin Lions in 2015 recovered 3023 cornea tissues from 1,026 donors, resulting in 1,315 transplants, 829 use in Wisconsin, 486 used in USA and International and 393 for research and education.
The Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank supplies tissues all over the world, with tissue most often staying in Wisconsin, followed in succession by neighboring states, the rest of the U.S., “and the world after that.”
Vilas and Oneida County Club Transporter Club List
Boulder Junction Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Conover Lions –Rhinelander Lions Eye Substation
Eagle River Lions - Rhinelander Lions Eye Substation
Land O’ Lakes/Phelps Lions - Rhinelander Lions Eye Substation
Hazelhurst Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Lac du Flambeau Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Lake Tomahawk Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Manitowish Waters Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Plum Lake Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Sayner Star Lake Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
St Germain Lions - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
St Germain Northwooda - Lakeland Lions Eye Substation
Sugar Camp Lions - Rhinelander Lions Eye Substation
Three Lakes Lions - Rhinelander Lions Eye Substation